End Of Tenancy Cleaning East Finchley N2

QualityCleaningLondon Ltd. provides professional end of tenancy cleaning services in East Finchley, N2. Call us now and book your cleaner at the most affordable price!

Cleaning the property you are vacating soon, is a responsibility of every tenant. It is necessary for everyone, who is renting a place, to make sure it’s cleaned in detail before leaving it, otherwise the landlord is allowed to keep the deposit and not give it back. Our company has been helping residents in East Finchley, N2 to vacate their places without a problem, freeing from the responsibility to clean up the entire property, which usually takes hours and a lot of energy. We have been operating for a long time and can easily guarantee that our end of tenancy cleaning services will achieve ideal results at your place.

End Of Tenancy Cleaning Prices

  • Studio flatfrom £99
  • One Bedroom Propertyfrom £159
  • Two Bedroom Propertyfrom £179
  • Three Bedroom Propertyfrom £199

Guaranteed End of Tenancy Cleaning in East Finchley

End Of Tenancy CleanerCleaning at the end of a tenancy contract is recommended for tenants, who would like to receive their deposits back. Leaving a dirty and messy place surely leads to an unhappy landlord, who has all the rights to keep the deposit you have given when you’ve moved in at first place. However, cleaning up the entire property is definitely not as simply as it may seem to some. It requires you to spend many hours on providing every single detail of the place with cleanness, which also takes all of your energy. Therefore, it is much easier and more convenient to use our professional end of tenancy cleaning services and have all the cleaning work done by experts, who are fast and experienced.

The most effective way to cope with the problem is to hire us to take care of the place, as we guarantee that we will clean it up in detail and thoroughly. We will make sure that everything is cleaner than ever and the entire place is shiny and clean like new. Nothing can be compared to professional cleaning.

Our end of tenancy cleaning services include:

  • Cleaning of floors
  • Cleaning of windows (including frames and shades)
  • Cleaning of all surfaces (counter tops, shelves, cabinets, cupboards)
  • Dusting of furniture
  • Cleaning of details (light switches, door frames, doors knobs and handles, skirting boards, chandeliers)
  • Sanitising of bathroom area (including sink, tap, mirror, bath, toilet)

We work every day, including holidays. Call us now and make an appointment at a suitable for you time..

Move out cleaning service at a customized price

You will be able to book one of our professional cleaning services and only pay for the cleaning chores you receive as part of it. Your booking agent will provide you with a personalised price estimate based on your personal requirements, the number of chores and size of your property. The agent will ask you about any additional jobs you would like to book, as well as any preferences you may have, then prepare a bill for you with all cleaning jobs listed – that way you will know exactly what you are being charged for. We guarantee that the price of the quote is final and no hidden charges will occur. For more information give our customer support office a call.

No matter where you are, we can assist you

Other cleaning services you can add

Carpet Cleaner

Carpet cleaning – Do not forget the cleaning of your carpets and rugs to freshen your newly rented home. We provide a professional thorough steam cleaning service that is ideal for discoloured or stained items. The cleaning professionals will carefully select the appropriate technique for your items based on their fabric and stains. They will remove any residue and grime, leaving the entire surface of your carpet/upholstery item cleaned. You may be confident that the instruments and products used in the procedure will be of the greatest quality and won’t be harmful to your health. The highest quality outcomes are assured.

Window Cleaner

Window cleaning – If your windows are not clean, the entire property may look unkempt, dark and dirty. However, to properly clean the windows, you will need to reach the exterior of the house as well. This task not only requires special tools and products but may also be dangerous. Ensure that your windows are sparkling clean and spotless by combining our tenancy cleaning service with the window cleaning we offer. The professionals performing this task are experienced and will work hard to get rid of all spots and grime. Your entire home will look bright and welcoming in an instant.

Pre-tenancy cleaning service

A new property’s pre-tenancy cleaning is often a difficult operation that necessitates the use of several cleaning products and skills. It is essential to thoroughly clean your new property to remove all bacteria, filth, and dust left behind by previous tenants. If you are unable to find the time to complete this activity, contact a professional cleaning team that will assist you in completing it quickly. By choosing our team, you will ensure that your new rental will be completely cleaned, sorted, disinfected, and ready for you to move in as soon as possible. Save time and effort by booking our services and receive fantastic results in no time. Make sure you arrange the appointment before you move any of your personal belongings.

Other Services Prices

  • Carpet Cleaning (Not combined with other services)from£55
  • Window Cleaning (Not combined with other services)from£45
  • Pre-tenancy Cleaning from£89

Customers Speak Out

It was amazing to work with this company. Their cleaning teams are super friendly and worked very hard to provide me with top notch results and leave my property immaculate. – Karina Terry

The end of the tenancy cleaning service I scheduled with this company was performed perfectly. Every member of the team was extremely professional in the tasks they undertook p- I have no complaints and I will be booking the company again. – Finnley Cruz

I never thought about booking a professional company to help with my end of tenancy cleaning but now that I experienced the work of this company, I’m never going back to doing it myself. – Abby Griffin